Get help

By adding the -h parameter you get a help page.

> dsf -h

 β–„β–„β–„β–„    β–„β–„β–„β–„  β–„β–„β–„β–„β–„   |
 β–ˆ   β–€β–„ β–ˆβ–€   β–€ β–ˆ       |  DEPLOY
 β–ˆ    β–ˆ β–€β–ˆβ–„β–„β–„  β–ˆβ–„β–„β–„β–„   |    SOURCE                                       v0.11
 β–ˆ    β–ˆ     β–€β–ˆ β–ˆ       |      FILES  ..  to multiple local targets
 β–ˆβ–„β–„β–„β–€  β–€β–„β–„β–„β–ˆβ–€ β–ˆ       |
Axel Hahns helper tool to update local files in other projects.

Copy sourcefiles to one or many targets.
It can be used to handle repository files of low level components or basic
files and update them in multiple projects.


    -c          compare source and targets; requires -s and -t
    -d [DIR]    add a directory that is below [FROM] directory
    -e          edit a profile; requires -s
    -f [FILE]   add a file that is below [FROM] directory 
                You need to set a source (see -s) before -f
    -h          show this help
    -i          interactive mode to select a source and a target
    -l          list defined sources and its targets
    -s [FROM]   set a source directory (to use -f, -t, -u)
    -t [TO]     set a target for a given source
                You need to set a source (see -s) before -t
    -u          update ALL known targets; [TO] is not required - targets will
                be read from config
                You need to set a source (see -s) before -u
    -w          where is .. something for the current directory?
                Search current directory for definitions in sources or targets
    -W          Like -w but it shows diffs

All projects are written as txt file wit md5 hash into "profiles" directory.
To delete a file or target grep for it in the profiles dir.


Create/ set a source -s /home/axel/deployfiles/docs
                -s = set source
                Set a source. If it does not exist yet than a new profile will
                be created interactively.

Add source files and directories -s /home/axel/deployfiles/docs -d abc
                -d = add directory
                Add a directory to the project. You get a prompt to add it if it 
                does not exist yet. -s /home/axel/deployfiles/docs -f style.css
                -f = add file
                Add a file to the project. You get a prompt to add it if it 
                does not exist yet.

    Hint: You can repeat -d and -f multiple times.

Create/ set target -s /home/axel/deployfiles/docs -t /home/projects/project_A
    OR /home/axel/deployfiles/docs /home/projects/project_A
                -t = target
                Add a targetdir to the project. You get a prompt to add it if 
                it does not exist yet.
                Then it copies all known files to the target.

Update -s /home/axel/deployfiles/docs -u
                -u = update all
                Copy all known files to all known targets.

More: -i   Interactive mode to select from known sources and targets. -l   list all known projects and show details -s /home/axel/deployfiles/docs -l
                -l = list
                list details of selected project -w   where is ... search: something for the current directory

Tutorial 1

To visualize what we want to do: we define a source that is connected with 2 targets.

flowchart LR subgraph Low level sources P1(A low level class) end subgraph Targets AppA(Application A) AppB(Application B) end P1 --> AppA P1 --> AppB style P1 fill:#9cf,stroke:#567,stroke-width:2px

As an example I have this situation:

There is a baseclass project with a dummy class file.

axel@linux-pc ~/tmp> tree -A sources/
└── basesclasses
    └── sample-class.php

And I have 2 dummy apps with a β€œvendor” subdir where I want to put my sample-class.php.

axel@linux-pc ~/tmp> tree -A targets/
β”œβ”€β”€ app_a
β”‚   └── vendor
└── app_b
    └── vendor

Add the source

We set/ add a source wit -s. You can use a full path or a relative one. Internally it will be transformed to a full path.

dsf -s sources/basesclasses/

========== SET SOURCE
INFO: transformed [sources/basesclasses/] --> [/home/axel/tmp/sources/basesclasses]
Add [/home/axel/tmp/sources/basesclasses] as new source? Yn >
INFO: adding new source...
INFO: config file was rewritten.
INFO: SOURCE=/home/axel/tmp/sources/basesclasses was set.

Add a source file

The source is just a base folder. We can define a single file that should be deployed to a target -f or a subdirectory using -d (it will be deployed recursively).

To add a file we must add the source and set the file to add

dsf -s sources/basesclasses/ -f sources/basesclasses/sample-class.php

In the output you will be asked again to add a new file

========== SET SOURCE
INFO: transformed [sources/basesclasses/] --> [/home/axel/tmp/sources/basesclasses]
INFO: SOURCE=/home/axel/tmp/sources/basesclasses was set.

----- Add file [sources/basesclasses/sample-class.php]
INFO: file was found [/home/axel/tmp/sources/basesclasses//sample-class.php]
Add file [/sample-class.php] for rollout? Yn >
INFO: adding new file
INFO: config file was rewritten.

Add a target 1

To add a target you need to specify the source first and then you can add the target.

dsf -s sources/basesclasses/ -t targets/app_a/vendor/

If the target does not exist yet then will be prompted. If you accept (just press Return) then the target will be added and the file will be synced there.

========== SET SOURCE
INFO: transformed [sources/basesclasses/] --> [/home/axel/tmp/sources/basesclasses]
INFO: SOURCE=/home/axel/tmp/sources/basesclasses was set.

========== SET TARGET targets/app_a/vendor/
INFO: transformed [targets/app_a/vendor/] --> [/home/axel/tmp/targets/app_a/vendor]
Add [/home/axel/tmp/targets/app_a/vendor] as new target? Yn >
INFO: adding new target 
INFO: config file was rewritten.

----- Updating /home/axel/tmp/targets/app_a/vendor//sample-class.php
rsync ... OK

Add a target 2

Oh, this is a no brainer. It is the same procedure like for app_a:

dsf -s sources/basesclasses/ -t targets/app_b/vendor/

List config

OK, we just added a single config. But if you have multiple sources you can limit the output to a single source by using -s.

Without -s you cal list all sources with its targets by using -l:

dsf -l

… and you will get somethingh like that:

========== LIST PROFILES

  +-- INFO: no directory was added so far.
  +-- files (1):
  |     |
  |     +-- /sample-class.php
  +-- targets (2):
        +-- /home/axel/tmp/targets/app_a/vendor
        +-- /home/axel/tmp/targets/app_b/vendor

Search usage of current dir

If you are in one of the existing source or target folders you can use -w (for where is something for me?) to find all targets (if you are in a source directory) or all sources if you are in a target directory.

axel@linux-pc ~/tmp> cd sources/

And now let’s try dsf -w:

========== Where is something for me?

scanning for /home/axel/tmp/sources ...

--- scan in sources

> SOURCE /home/axel/tmp/sources/basesclasses

--- scan in targets

And now the opposite direction:

axel@linux-pc ~/tmp> cd ../targets

Let’s call dsf -w again:

========== Where is something for me?

scanning for /home/axel/tmp/targets ...

--- scan in sources

--- scan in targets

> SOURCE /home/axel/tmp/sources/basesclasses
  > TARGET /home/axel/tmp/targets/app_a/vendor

> SOURCE /home/axel/tmp/sources/basesclasses
  > TARGET /home/axel/tmp/targets/app_b/vendor

Update all targets

We have seen if we use -s SOURCE -t TARGET that the source will be synced to a single target. To sync to all targets there is a special keyword -t ALL.

========== SET SOURCE
INFO: transformed [sources/basesclasses/] --> [/home/axel/tmp/sources/basesclasses]
INFO: SOURCE=/home/axel/tmp/sources/basesclasses was set.

========== SET TARGET ALL

========== SET TARGET /home/axel/tmp/targets/app_a/vendor

----- Updating /home/axel/tmp/targets/app_a/vendor//sample-class.php
rsync ... OK

========== SET TARGET /home/axel/tmp/targets/app_b/vendor

----- Updating /home/axel/tmp/targets/app_b/vendor//sample-class.php
rsync ... OK